Sustainability: APG towards Carbon Neutrality

Albertini Packaging Group is constantly committed to sustainability: our target is the creation of a GHG footprint that defines the reduction and participation in the process of global decarbonization.


The starting point of Carbon Footprint draft is the identification of the company’s environmental performance, identifying and evaluating the key sources of emissions. The method used to calculate the Carbon Footprint has been divided into three phases: initially a data collection was carried out, followed by the analysis of the same with their conversion into CO2 emissions, and then concluding with the drafting of the report. The areas evaluated were:

  • Purchase of goods and services
  • Fugitive emissions
  • Capital goods
  • Transportation of employeesEnd of life products
  • Waste
  • Transportation
  • Energy

Download the full report in PDF here.

Compared to the data explained in the report, the company, in view of the goal of emissions reduction and energy saving, has already implemented several improvements. The purchase of goods represents for Albertini Packaging Group the area of greatest CO2 emissions (56% of total emissions); it is an activity that does not depend directly on the company itself and to compensate for this, purchases are made following a policy of sustainability. In fact, if available, FSC and PEFC certified raw materials are chosen.

Albertini Packaging Group organizes and realizes its services in order to satisfy, in terms of quality, the needs and expectations of its customers, taking into account the life cycle of the product, from the phases of procurement to the final disposal of the same, with the utmost respect for the environment. The company, aware of the context in which it operates, orients its processes in order to involve the interested parties in the performance of the company’s activities, calculating and evaluating all the risks related to organizational and environmental management and promoting solutions that are more respectful of the environment, in order to reduce the consumption of energy and natural resources. Albertini Packaging Group spreads its vision of production quality and respect for the environment inside and outside the company.

Even with regard to the analysis of how employees move, it is possible to identify the significant improvements that have been made. First of all, after completing the relocations of the factories, many employees travel fewer kilometers to reach their place of work; moreover, company trips have been reduced to the bare essentials and, at the same time, the car fleet of the sales department has seen an increase in hybrid cars, from 40% in 2018, to 100% today.

The new plants are very close to each other (700 meters), which allows a synergistic organization for the optimization of both incoming and outgoing transport. The plant in Belgrade, located about 1,000 km away (slightly more than the distance Milan-Naples) has a marginal impact, precisely as a result of the optimization of transport efficiency. Albertini Packaging Group directs its partners to respect the environment and climate through a constant collaboration, aimed as much as possible at reducing emissions into the atmosphere, especially of ozone-depleting and greenhouse gases, as well as the proper disposal of waste, promoting recycling, soil control, water supply and, finally, energy saving.

In particular, since the beginning of 2021, the company has implemented a waste management and disposal policy in collaboration with a European multinational company specializing in optimizing recycling and reducing environmental impact, so as to make their impact on the environment more sustainable. With a view to a constant goal of improvement, the company is carrying out a study on the progress made, also developing a periodic report on the environmental impact of the waste produced.

Albertini Packaging Group’s commitment to the development of a sustainable environmental policy is also reflected in the enhancement of the use of energy, declined in actions such as the use of renewable energy (geothermal and solar) and energy efficiency of all activities (conversion of the car fleet to hybrid cars, transition to LED lighting in plants, use of electricity and gas from renewable sources).

The company is already working on an updated report, which it will publish in the coming months, highlighting the further and steady progress made compared to 2018. The ultimate goal of our work is to make our company completely carbon-neutral within a few years, minimizing emissions and offsetting the remaining ones with a planting campaign of our territory.

Definition: carbon footprint is a measure that expresses in CO2 equivalent the total greenhouse gas emissions associated directly and indirectly with a product, an organization or a service.



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