Knoll Packaging and Albertini Packaging Group Form Commercial Partnership Agreement

The two leading secondary packaging companies entered into an official agreement.

New York, June 15, 2022 Albertini Packaging Group and Knoll Printing & Packaging are thrilled to announce a commercial partnership agreement. The newly formed agreement will allow Knoll Packaging, the leader in deluxe packaging for over 35 years, to expand its manufacturing capabilities and allow for the regionalization of production from Asia into Europe.

The partnership is an exceptional drive for the growth and renewal of two complementary companies that share the same values, both united by a very long tradition of excellence in the world of luxury packaging. From now on, the two companies will be allies on the market, but above all, they will be able to exchange technical and production know-how on a daily basis. The signed agreement will allow both companies a strong acceleration in terms of volumes produced and orders beginning 2023.

Jeremy Cohen, Founder and CEO of Knoll Printing & Packaging, said: “It is a distinct privilege to enter into a commercial agreement with APG and join forces together to bring the highest level of quality and innovation to European manufacturing. At its core, our family-run companies both share the same passion and drive for excellence in the industry, and together will be able to set a new standard for luxury European manufacturing. I have always respected the work of Emilio and Albertini Packaging. They have inspired the culture of our own company over the last 35 years, and we can’t wait to be a part of this next chapter together.

Emilio Albertini, President of Albertini Packaging Group, said: “Rarely is there an opportunity to join forces with a company that has the same values for driving excellence and innovation in the industry. This partnership fits perfectly into our plans to offer Rigid Packaging with added value and a high level of expertise currently produced in Asia in our Serbian facility, which changes the scope and landscape for European manufacturing in the industry. APG’s clients and Knoll’s clients will benefit greatly from this partnership and we are very pleased to partner with Knoll, a leading Asian supplier and support this initiative. “

APG offers 70 years of experience creating unique luxury packaging that enhances and elevates a product. They are equipped with the industry’s most innovative technologies and complete production chain, and guarantee the utmost versatility and professionalism to meet all packaging needs. APG Balkan’s headquarters in Serbia specializes in the manufacturing and assembly of rigid wrapped boxes, and leverages the most advanced technologies to achieve production efficiencies that meet the growing global demands.

Knoll Packaging, a leader in the deluxe packaging industry, has delivered innovative and creative packaging solutions to luxury global brands since 1984. Knoll provides premium sustainable packaging to the world’s most prestigious cosmetics and wine & spirits brands, ensuring high-quality, innovation, creativity, and precise reliability. Knoll is committed to sustainability and a better world and offers recyclable packaging solutions including Knoll Ecoform®️ molded pulp and KnollLuxe®️ Premium Board Platform.

Both organizations will participate at the upcoming PCD Exhibition in France. Visit Knoll Packaging at Booth K42, and APG at Booth G38.

More about Knoll Packaging

partnership Albertini Packaging - Knoll Packaging



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