New arrival 4.0 at Albertini Packaging

The Bobst Expertfold with Accubraille gets added to the array of eleven other machines of the same brand in the company, alongside the other five top-of-the-range folder-gluers in terms of safety and performance.

new 4.0 investment, interconnected with the internal management system for the continuous exchange of data that allows extreme flexibility. The high technical perfomance of the folding process ensures the maximum reduction of misalignment errors.

In addition, the Accubraille mechanism allows embossing to be carried out in-line and not at the die-cutting stage. Inline embossed braille text is therefore more accurate and uniform, providing additional security and reliability for packs intended for the visually impaired public.

The choice of this new purchase for Albertini Packaging reflects its continuous search for quality and optimization of processing times, in order to meet the needs of different customers, especially in the Pharma and Luxury sectors that require high standards of safety and precision.




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Il Natale è già qui!

Non è strano respirare già da ora l’aria di Natale per noi in APG. Sì, perché nei mesi estivi i nostri stabilimenti sono già all’opera