Emilio Albertini new president of Assografici

On June 26th, 2019 the Assografici Association elected Emilio Albertini as the new President  for the upcoming  four years, succeeding to Pietro Lironi. Born in 1963, he has been leading Albertini Packaging Group for over thirty years and has recently finalised various acquisitions which allowed the group’s expansion into the pharmaceutical and label markets.

Albertini holds other Institutional roles including the Presidency of Gifasp, the Assografici specialization group which gather boxes and folding boxes manufacturers. He’s also a Comieco’s member of the board, the National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-based Packaging.

With his designation, Albertini presented the new Presidential team and illustrated the program guidelines for his mandate, identifying different areas of attention to be developed in the upcoming years, from the points of agreement on the integration process between Confindustria and the Milan’s Union up to the federation’s supply chain. Amongst his priorities, the territory’s protection as well as the product specialization groups within the paper and converting industry.



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APG: a successful 2025 ahead

With the holiday season approaching, APG is eagerly looking ahead to the new year with enthusiasm and positivity. We look back at 2024 with satisfaction,