Our choice to grow a better Planet

World Forest Day is celebrated internationally on March 21st every year.

Clearly, one day alone is simply not enough to make people more aware of the issue of carbon dioxide emissions; during the year, it is estimated that industrial activities emit around 36 tonnes of CO2 into the air. Fortunately, nature provides us with valuable help: forests store 861 billion tonnes of carbon and absorb one third of CO2 emissions.

So we can all agree that forests must be preserved in order to provide a healthy future for those who will come after us.  But how many companies ensure sustainable management?

We at APG will continue to uphold and update our policy in favour of the environment, thanks also to the choice and traceability of production processes of paper from legal and sustainable sources.

In order to contribute in a tangible way to preserving forest resources, as well as water resources, our luxury, cosmetic and pharma packaging products meet the strict requirements of the FSC and PEFC certifications.

Respect for the ecosystem through proper forest management is, in our industry, the most valuable work we can do for the planet and its inhabitants.

At a time when the environmental emergency necessitates a conscious demand for sustainable products, we are proud to be able to respond in a truly efficient manner to our customers. We are proud to be amongst the companies most appreciated not only for the quality of our packaging but also for our environmentally sustainable policy.


Learn our certifications

sostenibilità ambientale APG



APG: sotto albero un 2025 di successo

APG: a successful 2025 ahead

With the holiday season approaching, APG is eagerly looking ahead to the new year with enthusiasm and positivity. We look back at 2024 with satisfaction,